itemnquery & points

Matthias Schulz at GAF schu at
Mon Jul 17 11:38:52 EDT 2000


I am still having some trouble with the itemnquery mode and points,
dislaying the selected features if only one point is in the result set.
Using an URL like

is working but changing the mode to itemnquery and mapxy to shapes then
buffer or scale don't work anymore. If the query results in two points
then there is no problem, but with one point there is no feedback from
mapserver. Does anyone have an example with this kind of query working
or an idea what is going wrong ? Thanks,



Matthias Schulz
GAF mbH   Arnulfstr. 197   80634 Muenchen   Germany
tel.: +49 (0)89 121528-28    fax: +49 (0)89 121528-79
mailto:schu at         URL:

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