Map coordinates to image coordinates

imap at imap at
Thu Jul 20 09:26:11 EDT 2000


After you render all of the layers, just extract the contents of
the labelcache with mapscript.

 open(LABELS,"> /tmp/labelcache.test");
# testing labelCacheExtract
 while ($label = $map->nextLabel()) {
      if($label->{status}) {
         $shape = $label->{poly};
         print LABELS "$label->{string} numlines: $shape->{numlines}\n";
         for($i=0; $i<$shape->{numlines}; $i++) {
            $part = $shape->get($i);
           for($j=0; $j<$part->{numpoints}; $j++) {
               $point = $part->get($j);
               print LABELS $point->{x} .",". $point->{y} ." ";
            print LABELS "\n";

This should give you the bounding rectangle (in image X/Y coordinates)
of the the markers and annotation dumped into a file.  


Chris Stuber (mapsurfer)
Silicon Mapping Solutions, Inc.

> marcelo jury wrote:
> I would like to create "bubble tips" embeded in HTML tag "areas". For this I
> would need to know how to transform from map coords. to image coords. Any
> ideas about how to implement this?

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