ICA Maps on Internet Conference

Doug Nebert ddnebert at fgdc.gov
Mon Jul 24 10:42:29 EDT 2000

                         Maps and the Internet

                        2001 AAG Annual Meeting
                            New York City, NY
                       27 February - 3 March 2001

                          Co-sponsored by the
                    AAG Cartography Specialty Group
                   AAG Worldwide Web Specialty Group
                                and the
                International Cartography Association's
                  Commission on Maps and the Internet

The Internet is helping to redefine how maps are used. No longer 
restricted to paper, maps are now transmitted almost instantly and 
delivered to the user in a fraction of the time required to distribute 
maps on paper. They are viewed in a more timely fashion. Weather 
maps, for example, are updated continuously throughout the day. Most 
importantly, maps on the Internet are more interactive. They are 
accessed through a user on a higher-level than is possible with a
map on paper. Finally, the Internet is making it possible to more 
easily distribute different kinds of cartographic displays such as 
animations. The Internet presents the map user with both a faster 
method of map distribution and different forms of mapping.

The Maps and Internet Commission of the International Cartographic
Association provides a global forum for discussion and facilitates 
the transfer of new cartographic technology and knowledge between 
researchers in different countries. This commission promotes 
international cartographic research to address scientific and applied 
problems related to web-based cartography. The planned sessions at 
the AAG meeting in NYC are being co-sponsored with the Cartography 
and Worldwide Web specialty groups.  The location of the meetings in
New York will encourage attendance from commission members in other 
parts of the world, particularly Europe.

The commission was formed in 1999 at meetings of the International
Cartographic Association in Ottawa, Canada.  Six initial terms of 
reference were identified:

     1.  Focus attention on disseminating maps and spatial data through
      distributed electronic networks.
     2.  Examine Internet map usage and project future areas of growth.
     3.  Examine web map user issues to better serve user needs. 
     Product: Oral or published report.
     4.  Promote the exchange of information about effective Internet
      mapping for an international audience.
     5.  Improve user access to maps by examining the potential of 
      Internet map metadata.
     6.  Promote instruction on Internet mapping

The specialty groups and commission invite papers that address these
general areas of research.

Rex Cammack from Southwest Missouri State University is organizing 
these sessions.  Rex's DEADLINE for receiving all application 
materials (including registration form, fee, e-mail, and paper copy 
of abstract): August 23, 2000.

Dr. Rex Cammack (Primary Contact)    Dr. Michael Peterson
Department of Geography              Department of Geography / Geology
Southwest Missouri State Univ.       University of Nebraska at Omaha
Springfield, MO  65804               Omaha, NE  68182
Phone: (417) 836-5173                Phone: 402-554-4805
Fax: (417) 836-6006                  Fax: 402-554-3518
Email: rexcammack at mail.smsu.edu      Email: geolib at unomaha.edu

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