Powered by MapServer...

bfischer at usgs.gov bfischer at usgs.gov
Mon Jul 24 11:12:24 EDT 2000

I am using Daniel's logo he created.  I like what he has put together.  If
anyone wants to see what it looks like: here is an URL to my website I am
putting together.  The logo is on their as well as Daniel's site.

But I am willing to change if you go a different route.  I agree the point
is to give mapserver some much deserved created.


Brian Fischer
bfischer at usgs.gov
2280 Woodale Dr.
Mounds View, MN
(612) 783-3133


|        |          "Jim T. Bowen (GAIA          |
|        |          Consultants Inc.)"           |
|        |          <bowenj at peligroso.gaiaenv.com|
|        |          >                            |
|        |          Sent by:                     |
|        |          owner-mapserver-users at lists.g|
|        |          is.umn.edu                   |
|        |                                       |
|        |                                       |
|        |          07/24/2000 09:28 AM          |
|        |                                       |
  |                                                                                                     |
  |       To:     "Paul G. Allen" <pgallen at randomlogic.com>                                             |
  |       cc:     Mapserver-Users <mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu>                                   |
  |       Subject:     Re: Powered by MapServer...                                                      |

I thought I saw something on a page Daniel Morissette referred to
recently.  Perhaps he would consider including his logo for
consideration.  It looks like a pretty good start to me!  :)


"Paul G. Allen" wrote:
> Stephen Lime wrote:
> >
> > I'm interested in creating a "powered by" logo for folks to display
should they
> > choose (i.e. like Apache). Might as well go to the users for some
ideas. Send
> > me your graphics!
> >
> Anyone come up with anything yet?

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