PHP4 and Mapscript...

Daniel Morissette danmo at
Wed Jul 26 18:03:44 EDT 2000

Jason Maestri wrote:
> Does anybody know if the PHP/Mapscript module will compile properly with
> PHP4?  I can't seem to make it work, and I am just wondering if I am a
> total bozo, or if it doesn't compile properly with v4.  


The PHP MapScript module currently works only with PHP3.  It has not
been ported to PHP4 yet... so the errors you get are (kind of) normal
until we have the time to port it to PHP4... hopefully by the end of the

Unfortunately, you will have to stick to PHP3 for now.

 Daniel Morissette                       danmo at
  Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if 
      you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow.

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