Mapscript- parse exception

Zolla Michalak michalak at
Thu Jun 1 09:23:49 PDT 2000

"use mapscript" is working for us now as of today. I hope to find out the
fix for this today after meeting with Jim, the guy who fixed it. Yeah,
Jim! I'll share the details when I find out.

We got it working first in unix, and now it is working in the cgi-bin from
a web browser.


On Thu, 1 Jun 2000, Stephen Lime wrote:

> Just doing a "use mapscript" would be the first test. I suppose I can write a
> test suite at some point to test each function. That will take some time. I've no
> experience with win32 and perl. Perhaps other list members have some ideas.
> Steve
> Stephen Lime
> Internet Applications Analyst
> Minnesota DNR
> 500 Lafayette Road
> St. Paul, MN 55155
> 651-297-2937
> >>> "Grzegorz Myrda" <mapadm at> 05/28/00 02:31PM >>>
> Is there any way to test somehow if my mapscript build is correct ?
> I install ActivePerl (Windows) and mapscript, but when I try to declare "use
> mapscript", I'm getting "parse exception".
> Grzegorz

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