mapserver on NT and java

Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Thu Jun 8 09:59:54 PDT 2000

Depends on how you define that combination. We've used java frontends
to the MapServer very successfully for quite sometime. In this case java
is used for advanced functionality like rubberband boxes and mouse overs.
MapServer and or MapScript just produces data, images, xml or whatever.

Now, it is theoretically possible to generate a java version of MapScript using
SWIG (alpha versions of 1.3). The MapScript class library could then be used
to build server-side applications using java. Using RMI it might be possible to
embed some functionality in clients too. I said, in theory and I haven't played
in this area at all, but I choose SWIG as a tool for just this reason.


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> Peep Krusberg <peepk at> 06/08/00 10:37AM >>>
Hello list!

I'm experimenting with java and mapserver on NT (EXE downloaded from
UMN) but with very little success. Is such a combination even possible?

Regards, Peep
Peep Krusberg
Projektijuht / Project Manager, MSc
AS Eesti Kaardikeskus / Estonian Map Centre, Ltd.
Mustamae tee 33, 10616 Tallinn, Estonia
Tel: +(372) 6529 976; Fax: +(372) 6542 108
E-mail: peepk at

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