Symbol file limits

Mel VanderWal vanderwalm at
Mon Jun 12 18:22:53 PDT 2000

According to the MapServer documentation, the maximum number of symbols
you can have in one symbol file is 31.  I looked at mapsymbol.c and
couldn't figure out how to bump this up, which isn't surprising
considering my extremely limited C knowledge.  Also, is there an adverse
effect to using a large number of symbols?

If anyone could show me the light, it would be greatly appreciated.

Mel VanderWal
GIS Programmer / Manager
GAIA Consultants Inc.
Suite 306, 822-11th Avenue SW
Calgary, Alberta
T2R 0E5
Phone: (403) 571-7216
Fax: (403) 571-7211
vanderwalm at

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