Finding files

Doug Nebert ddnebert at
Wed Jun 14 08:52:09 PDT 2000

I am porting my mapserver application (the global map viewer) from Linux 
to NT and am running into some permissions problem that yields the 
follwoing error when advancing beyond the first page. The first HTML 
page is found as is the applet, but nothing more. From IIS:

"403.2 Forbidden: Read Access Forbidden
This error can be caused if there is no default page available and 
directory browsing has not been enabled for the directory, or if you are 
trying to display an HTML page that resides in a directory marked for 
Execute or Script permissions only."

My global.html and global_template.html are in wwwroot
My .map file and data are pathed elsewhere (H:\global)
How do I "enable" which directories?

Is there a possible problem with forward versus backslashes in the 
declaration of file locations in the various files?

The interface is at

Help appreciated.

Douglas D. Nebert
Geospatial Data Clearinghouse Coordinator
FGDC Secretariat	Phone: +1 703 648 4151	Fax: +1 703 648-5755	
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