mapscript with python

Norman Vine nhv at
Tue Jun 27 12:53:38 PDT 2000

Michael Anderson writes:
>I have been waiting to post questions until I sent a suitable 
>but I have a problem that I can't figure out so the 
>introduction will have 
>to wait. We tried to compile the python wrapper and got the 
>errors in the attached file. 


Looking at your errors it appears as if you are not linking with

I have attached the makefile I used to compile 3.3.009
with Python 1.52 and Cygwin.  You can probably modify
this to work for you.

I am having problems getting later versions to compile
of course I have upgraded my compiler and Python and SWIG
so I am not blaming MapServer :-)

When I finally do get it going I will write a python script that should
automate building the python extension.

If your 'C' programers are comfortable in Python they could take 
a look at the python Distutils SIG
The latest snapshots are getting much more powerful :-)


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