
Doyon, Jean-Francois Jean-Francois.Doyon at
Thu Jun 29 13:22:37 PDT 2000

On that topic, I'm trying to compile the PHP3 MapServer module, and am
having some trouble :

When I run configure with "--with-php3=[DIR]", I get the following errors :

creating Makefile
sed: file conftest.s1 line 66: Unterminated 's' command
creating gdft/Makefile
sed: file conftest.s1 line 66: Unterminated 's' command
creating mapscript/php3/Makefile
sed: file conftest.s1 line 66: Unterminated 's' command

No makefiles ! This is the latest nightly build (Got it but a few minutes

It compiles fine with no options or with --with-proj for instance.

This is a stock RedHat 6.2, SED Version 3.02.

Am I alone ?


> ----------
> From: 	Zolla Michalak[SMTP:michalak at]
> Sent: 	Thursday, June 29, 2000 2:30 PM
> To: 	mapserver-users at
> Subject: 	php3
> Does mapserver require that php3 be a DSO?

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