image size depends on screen resolution

Peter H.M. Jacobs peter42 at
Wed Mar 1 12:59:48 PST 2000


I've implemented a very small Java script for creating a mapserv image where
the size depends on the resolution of the screen of the user. I thought that
perhaps some of you might be interested. Just put something like this in the
HTML template

<script language=Javascript>
            if (screen.width==800)
                var imgsizex=420;
                var imgsizey=320;
            if (screen.width>800)
                var imgsizex=600;
                var imgsizey=480;
            document.write ('<input type="hidden" name="mapsize"
value="'+imgsizex+' '+imgsizey+'">');

Now you've created just another hidden input type that is being send to the



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