
Pericles S. Nacionales pnaciona at
Fri Mar 10 16:46:35 PST 2000

Frank Koormann wrote:
> I have compiled mapserver 3.3-008 with GD 1.8 successfully.
> Steve, you are right, GD has to be compiled without jpeg support.
> Here the steps:
> o in the Makefile of gd sources:
>         - LIBS=-lm -lgd -lpng -lz -lttf -lXpm -lX11
>         - VERSION=1.8 # :)
> o make libgd.a
> o in the Makefile of mapserver:
>         - As described in the GD Section, add -lpng and -lz to
>           GD_LIB for png-support and set GD=-DUSE_GD_1_6
>         - modify the path to libgd
>         - #MAKE_GD=gd
>                 (to suppress compilation of gd-1.2 packed with the
>                  mapserver)
> o make

To those who wish to compile MapServer 3.3.008 and GD-1.8 with JPEG
support, here are the steps I used.

I'm assuming you have the supporting library sources under the
ms_3.3.008 directory tree and that you already have libpng and zlib. 
I'm also assuming your JPEG directory is called "jpeg6b" and your gd-1.8
directory is "gd-1.8".

1. Compile JPEG
 $ ./configure
 $ make
 $ make install

2. Edit GD-1.8 Makefile
  -  Add the JPEG source path to INCLUDEDIRS:

INCLUDEDIRS=-I../gd-1.8 -I../jpeg-6b -I/usr/include -I/usr/local/include
-I/usr/include/X11 -I/usr/X11R6/include/X11

3. Edit ms_3.3.008 Makefile
  - Change all gd paths to gd-1.8
  - Change GD=-DUSE_GD_1_2 to GD=-DUSE_GD_1_6
  - Add "-lpng -lz" to GD_LIB=-L./gd-1.8 -lgd

Here's a Makefile snippet:
GDFONT_OBJ=gd-1.8/gdfontt.o gd-1.8/gdfonts.o gd-1.8/gdfontmb.o
gd-1.8/gdfontl.o gd-1.8/gdfontg.o
GD_LIB=-L./gd-1.8 -lgd -lpng -lz
	cd gd-1.8; make; cd ..

4. Edit gdft Makefile to make use of gd-1.8 stuff

Here's a snippet of gdft Makefile
GD_LIB=-L../gd-1.8 -lgd -lpng -lz

5. Compile MapServer

The key step is in configuring the JPEG source.  When you run
"./configure", it copies jinclude.h from one of the architecture
dependent jinclude files (i.e., jinclude.linux, jinclude.sgi).  Gd-1.8
looks for this file during compile.

Hope this helps.

Perry N.

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