Doug Nebert
ddnebert at
Mon Mar 20 07:53:10 PST 2000
Ralf Puchert wrote:
> Hello,
> When we use
> -180+-10+180+90&map=/var/mapserver/global/
If you force the mapsize or its aspect ratio to be twice
as wide as it is tall (500 x 250) then it will do its best
to fit the requested map into that space. if you experiment
with always defining regions that are this shape, the request
will work fine. The mapserver will never distort the coordinates
to display within a specified mapsize, it will align with the
smaller extent dimension and show more in the other dimension.
> the outputmap has the wrong southernmost latitude.
> It seems to be that something is overdefined.
> Will the produced map whithin geographic coordinates expanded
> to the width and height values of the bitmap or
> will the geographic bounding box be recalculated ?
> Sincerely
> Ralf Puchert
Douglas D. Nebert
Clearinghouse Coordinator
FGDC Secretariat Phone: +1 703 648 4151 Fax: +1 703 648-5755
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