Map server interface available
Doug Nebert
ddnebert at
Thu Mar 23 07:58:28 PST 2000
Stephen Lime wrote:
> Doug: Cool. It is simple although a bit cryptic. A couple of questions:
> - got any example urls for calling the script?
> - where/what is the required file
I have modified the
to reflect the necessary files and an example invocation. The
dumpvars was a diagnostic include and was commented out, now it is
not in the file.
> Seems the capabilities.xml file would be best built from the mapfile
> itself. I believe most of the params presented in the the .xml file
> are accounted for in the mapfile syntax. MapScript would really
> simplify that process. It could be used to simplify the getMap
> request by avoiding any CGI altogether.
I like this idea and would encourage any takers to show us how
mapscript could really be used to do this. There are a number of
useful values (Name, Title, Abstract) for each layer that may not
have a counterpart in a map file (only Name) and are really useful
for searching and evaluating the available layers in a catalog.
Perhaps these could be gleaned from legend-like constructs in a
future mapfile?
> MapScript also supports queries
> now so a getFeatureInfo request should be easily doable. In addition, you have
> direct access to the shapefiles in MapScript so dumping vectors as SVG or whatever
> can be done too.
I am confident this can be done for both raster and vector
targets under mapserver, just not yet implemented. As the
XML-encoded vectors stabilize in OGC's GML proposal this would be
a very cool output feature to demonstrate among the FGDC and other
pilot projects in the coming 6 months.
> Anyway, nice work Rob/Doug. Looking forward to learning more about this capability.
> Steve
> Stephen Lime
> Internet Applications Analyst
> Minnesota DNR
> 500 Lafayette Road
> St. Paul, MN 55155
> 651-297-2937
> >>> Doug Nebert <ddnebert at> 03/22/00 05:09PM >>>
> The open source map server known as "mapserver" developed by
> the State of Minnesota in support of, and with support of, NASA and
> other activities, now has a simple OGC-compatible wrapper and
> configuration file written in perl. This responds to getCapabilities
> and getMap functions so far. It is free for general use and we welcome
> your continued contributions to do more with it!
> See:
> --
> Douglas D. Nebert
> Clearinghouse Coordinator
> FGDC Secretariat Phone: +1 703 648 4151 Fax: +1 703 648-5755
> Pager Messaging:
Douglas D. Nebert
Clearinghouse Coordinator
FGDC Secretariat Phone: +1 703 648 4151 Fax: +1 703 648-5755
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