Compile mapserver on WinNT

Norman Vine nhv at
Mon Mar 27 19:19:29 EST 2000

Doug Nebert  writes:
>Anyone have a methodology for a compile of mapserv using 
>the Cygnus gcc compiler for win32 or lcc compilers? 

mapserv compiled out of the box for me with Cygnus toolkit
updated to use the gcc-2.95.2 compiler and the Dec 15 1999 dll
and the /usr/local distribution from 

I would imagine that the V1.0 cd distribution would
work also.

There is a pending release of a new Cygnus distribution
that should work as well.  I would recomend waiting for it
if you do not have an augmented Cygnus system already.

I did not try to compile the Perl version of mapscript
but I did compile a Python version successfully.

I would recommend the Perl distribition also from 
for those trying to compile a Cygnus Perl mapscript.

Norman Vine

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