point data searching

Stephen Lime steve.lime at dnr.state.mn.us
Tue Nov 7 11:15:20 PST 2000

Just centering is easy. In you're query template you might have something like:

<!-- the image -->
<img src="/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=[map]&mapxy=[shpmidx]+[shpmidy]&scale=250000[get_layers]&mode=map">


<img src="/cgi-bin/mapserv?map=[map]&mapxy=[shpmidx]+[shpmidy]&buffer=5000[get_layers]&mode=map">

The values for buffer and scale could easily be passed in from the same form the user picked
the city. Just use the pass through feature of templates. I do this all the time. BTW [get_layers]
just adds currently selected layers (i.e. &layer=layer1&layer=layer2) to the end. You may or may not
need it.


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> <nwerneck at yahoo.com.br> 11/07/00 01:52AM >>>
> Do you really need to draw the city some special way or do you just need
> it centered on the city with everything drawn as normal?
	Just center the city in the map... Is it possible? Can I specify 
the scale of the new map?
	It would be nice to tell, for example: "Show me the Myztplikz city, at THAT
scale" or "... and everything at THAT distance from it"
	It looks like this already exists for mapxy queries...
	Can I specify some coordinated pair (outside any shapefile), and tell
mapserv to show me the map centered at that point? Or must I 
calculate the mapext?


 -- Nicolau

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