Need help with compiling mapscript for use with Tcl.

imap at imap at
Mon Nov 20 15:40:26 PST 2000

I think those warnings are OK..  I see them with I swig -perl5 -shadow
but everything works like a charm.  

On the mapscript topic
There was some brief comment about someone exposing more of map.h and
for clearing labelcache that were forwarded to Steve.  Also Marc Jacquin had
some info about mapscript code changes dealing with issues to mapscript
for use with FastCGI or mod_perl.   Can you guys forward the necessary changes
to Steve so we can begin testing those things?  


Chris Stuber (mapsurfer)
Silicon Mapping Solutions, Inc

> Yeewen Sat wrote:
> I "swiged" mapscript.i to create c wrappers for tcl.
> $ swig -tcl mapscript.i
> Making wrappers for Tcl
> ../../map.h : Line 362. Warning. Array member will be read-only.
> ../../maperror.h : Line 35. Warning. Array member will be read-only.
> ../../maperror.h : Line 36. Warning. Array member will be read-only.
> ../../mapshape.h : Line 72. Warning. Array member will be read-only.
> Are the above warnings critical?
> Also, before I go further, does anyone have a Makefile that will compile
> mapscript for use with Tcl?
> Thanks,
> Yee Wen

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