php3 and Point Query

Daniel Morissette morissette at
Thu Oct 12 08:54:03 PDT 2000

peter.jacobs at wrote:
> Hello,
> though I have read most of the previous mesages I'am not able to get a
> point query working. Can someone help me?
> -----------------------------------------------
> ERROR message :
> Points : 84463.618126601 447332.90091818
> Warning: Using scalar variable $result as an array or object in test.php on
> line 225

This PHP error means that $result is not a valid queryResultObj.

The MapScript documentation should say that if nothing was found at
query location then queryUsingpoint() returns 0.  So your code should
check for that case:

         $result =$layer->queryusingpoint($point,MS_SINGLE,-1);
         if ( ! $result )
           echo "Nothing found at click location";
           echo("Result :$result->numresults"); //error!
           $shapendx = $queryres->next();

 Daniel Morissette             morissette at
  Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if 
      you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow.

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