Tip: a debugging init.html file

Matt.Wilkie Matt.Wilkie at gov.yk.ca
Mon Oct 23 10:27:30 PDT 2000

Hi All,

I've just cobbled together an alternate map_init.html file
which makes it easier to play with changes and test .map
files. It's based on the ms_demo dataset.

Basically the idea is change all the "hidden" inputs to text
or list inputs so you can type all the variables straight
into the web page. It shortens the 'edit html, save, refresh, 
submit' cycle.

Ideally it would be expanded to include all of the mapserv
functions which can be passed on the command line. I think it 
or something like it would be a good addition to the demo


Matt Wilkie * GIS Technician * Yukon Renewable Resources GIS

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