State of MapServer...

Rob Atkinson rob at
Wed Oct 25 16:46:18 PDT 2000

Social Change Online will shortly be providing online resources and
examples for using MapServer within the context of a distributed (OpenGIS)
standards based approach - as per the  "Spatial Data Infrastructure"

Thanks to all the people who have put in their time to make this a

Rob Atkinson

John Hockaday wrote:

> Hi,
> I am very pleased with this list.  I have noticed that there are many
> people who seem to understand how the system works and respond to the
> questions.  I, on the other hand, am one who usually asks the
> questions, or if I know the answer someone else has beaten me to send
> the answer to the list.
> When I was setting up my mapserv I found the mapserv test suite (
> ) to be very
> useful.  I used the simple example templates, map files and query
> template files to work out more complicated files of my own.  I was so
> impressed with this method I am going to adopt it for my own
> application/maintenance online documentation and link to the relevant
> parts of the mapserv documentation.  May I suggest that other sites do
> this and the mapserv documentation link to these sites?  For example,
> It would be great if there was a link to an applet example, mapscript
> example Java servlet example (if there is one) etc.  Someone must have
> tested these parts of the system as indicated by those knowledgeable
> people on the list and maybe these test sites could be used as
> examples.  Although documentation is essential I personally find
> examples a must to help me through development.
> It also seems that there are questions that are very similar and it
> would appear that the documentation may be lacking in this area.  If
> the talented people, whom I presume will volunteer for the
> documentation task as they know what it all means, could note this and
> update the relevant areas as it happens on the list.  I know that
> documentation is hard to keep up with and I just thought that this
> might be a good start.
> Other areas of improvement would be in the details.  Each item seems to
> be covered in the documentation but a little more explanation would be
> nice.  For instance, "MAXSCALE", "MINSCALE" etc. mention the maximum
> and minimum scale at which the layers are switched off and on, but how
> is the scale calculated?  I thought it would be pixels/mapunits or visa
> versa but this didn't seem to compute.  I did work around the problem
> by fiddling with numbers until the layers switched on and off at what
> seemed appropriate to me.
> I know this doesn't answer Steve's question, but I thought that I would
> just send in my "two bobs" worth.  (I think that that is "two quarters"
> or "two cents" worth in the USA.) ;-)
> Johnh
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