Caffeinate The World mochaexpress at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 31 01:05:32 PST 2000

on my alpha, under ELF, you'd need to do
-Wl,-R/run/time/path -L/link/time/path

--- Daniel Morissette <danmo at videotron.ca> wrote:
> Sean O'Hagan wrote:
> > 
> > Hello:
> > 
> > Could someone point me in the right direction to
> find out what LDFLAGS does?
> > The best I can determine sofar is that it passes
> flags to lex(1). However,
> > I've also read that the LDFLAGS macro can be
> redefined.
> > 
> > While compiling mapscript 3.3.011 with PHP3 we got
> a message saying that to
> > enable PHP extensions we have to add -Wl to the
> LDFLAGS line of the
> > makefile.
> > 
> This warning message applies to you only if you are
> using PHP as a CGI
> (not as an Apache module) but you may get it all the
> time.  It usually
> gives you a flag to add to the PHP CGI link command
> to allow the use of
> shared libraries in your PHP executable.
> It comes from a test that I borrowed from a
> compilation script that came
> with php-3.0.14 for dl() modules, so my explanation
> is based on my
> understanding of it and I may not be 100% right.
> On a Linux system, for instance, it tells you that
> you need to add
> "-rdynamic" to the LDFLAGS in the main PHP makefile
> and then recompile 
> your PHP CGI executable.  If you tried to use PHP as
> a CGI with a PHP
> executable not compiled with "-rdynamic" then you
> would get errors when
> you call 'dl("php_mapscript.so");' because your
> executable is not able
> to support loading of shared libraries.
> I've been told that on *BSD systems, the value to
> add to LDFLAGS is
> "-export-dynamic" ... I don't know about the other
> OS's, but "-Wl" does
> not seem to make much sense.
> I hope that helps,
> -- 
>  Daniel Morissette                      
> danmo at videotron.ca
>               http://pages.infinit.net/danmo/
>   Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today,
> because if 
>       you enjoy it today you can do it again
> tomorrow.

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