Mapserver use in Australia

Cameron Shorter cameron at
Thu Sep 14 15:22:54 PDT 2000

Hello Lyndon,

There are a number of people using mapserv in Australia.  In particular,
people using mapserv to serve maps to middleware which mixes layers of
maps from different locations and then resubmits it to the web as a gif.

See for a link to a few examples.

So yes, I consider mapserv suitable for what you are describing.
Feel free to call and discuss further if you like.  Details below.
Lyndon Zimmermann wrote:
> Greetings,
> BRS in Canberra suggested Mapserver for the "Biomass Energy Atlas for
> Australia" project we're jointly undertaking. We are to develop a server
> side web delivered and CD delivered version, and I'm hoping this can be
> one and the same.  I'm trying to assess its suitability,  extent of use,
> and preferred scripting language(s).
> Who is using it downunder?  Please provide URLs of projects.
> How suitable is it for development of free distribution browsers?  Oz
> and Non-Oz responses would be appreciated for this one.
> Regards,
> Lyndon Zimmermann
> --
> Lyndon Zimmermann
> BE (Mech Adelaide) Grad Dip Bus Admin (UniSA)
> Biomass Energy Atlas for Australia Co-ordinator
> University of Adelaide Agronomy and Farming Systems
> Dir (GISCA) +61-8-8303 3975 Switch (GISCA) 8303 3900 Mob 0414 91 4577
> Fax (GISCA) +61-8-8303 3498 email lyndon.zimmermann at
> Website:

Cameron Shorter          Web Mapping Manager
Social Change Online
248 Johnson St           Tel: +61 (0) 2 9692 5115
Annandale NSW 2038       Fax: +61 (0) 2 9692 5192
Sydney, Australia

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