zoom box

Chad Nielsen cnielsen at co.tillamook.or.us
Tue Apr 3 13:46:29 EDT 2001


Someone was asking me about being able to display a 'zoom' box within a map
image with map server. sort of like a magnifying glass that can be moved
around.  The idea is that there would be a draggable box in the map display
area that shows the area underneath the box shown at a larger scale than the
map display. Seems to me like this would be possible using java. does
anybody have any experience with this? Is it even possible to imbed images
within images?


Chad M. Nielsen, GIS Programmer/Analyst
Tillamook County Performance Partnership (TCPP)
Tillamook Coastal Watershed Resource Center (TCWRC)

  GIS:   http://gisweb.co.tillamook.or.us
 TCPP:   http://www.co.tillamook.or.us/countygovernment/Estuary/homepage.htm
TCWRC:   http://www.tcwrc.org

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