MapServer and Cygwin
Stephen Lime
steve.lime at
Thu Apr 5 07:22:46 PDT 2001
MapServer ALWAYS sends the right MIME type if things are working correctly. So the suggested workaround is not recommended since it doesn't really fix any thing. Since the basic program runs at the command line it would seem to me that there is a problem with finding shared libraries. On windows I don't know what the correct syntax is for Win32/Cygwin is but on UNIX you can use the SetEnv (in httpd.conf) directive to set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH variable to list the locations of shared libraries.
>>> yecarrillo at 04/05/01 07:57 AM >>>
Yes I get this kind of error some times. Maybe steve can give some help whit
I've checked my apache error log with :Premature end of script headers.
This error is caused when MS doesn't send the standard HTML header
(Content-type: text/html\n\n)
Then, I use this trick: Start some(or all) of your HTML templates with this:
Content-type: text/html
Note two spaces before <html> tag. If MS is sending the header with some
templates, then you will see "Content-type: text/html" on the top of your
pages. But if doesn't, you will get the correct response ...
I use this trick with MAXTEMPLATE , MINTEMPLATE and ERROR templates.
Eduin Yesid Carrillo
Ingeniero Civil
Central de Información Regional Georefenciada
Bucaramanga - Colombia
yecarrillo at
yecarrillo at
#ICQ 14323531
>From: Ma <marin at>
>To: "mapserver-users at" <mapserver-users at>
>Subject: MapServer and Cygwin
>Date: Thu, 05 Apr 2001 01:09:01 +0000
>Dear All,
>I compiled MapServer (3.4. and 3.3.011.) with Cygwin under Win2000 SP1.
>But when I tried it i the web server I got: "500 Internal Server Error"
>and in the Apache error.log: "Premature end of script headers:
>What is the possible reason and how to fix it?
>When I run the script in the shell the result is:
>$ ./mapserv.exe
>This script can only be used to decode form results and
>should be initiated as a CGI process via a httpd server.
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