Select from layer

Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Wed Apr 11 11:16:09 EDT 2001

This is currently supported using a mode FEATUREQUERY or FEATURENQUERY. It allows
you to select from one POLYGON layer and use that polygon(s) to conduct another search. To
do this you set your mode to one of the options above and use another CGI variable called
slayer to specify the selection layer. You can restrict the layer queried by the selection layer as
with other queries using the qlayer variable. Note that the slayer must be queryable (i.e. has
a query object), the template could be an empty file if you don't want to display an information
about the selection feature.

One application that uses this extensively is our DNR Data Deli (


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> <BOO at FSL.DK> 04/11/01 02:34AM >>>

Can I make a selection where I point at a polygon in one layer and get the
result of all objects within that layer from a other layer. E.g. schools
within a district. 

Can i do so and how?


Bo Overgaard

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