maximum layers

Linda Ursem LindaU at
Wed Apr 18 02:22:55 PDT 2001

Hi all,
Is there a layers limit in MapServer? I want to use more then 11 layers but 
my MapServer application works only with the maximum of 11 layers. When I 
use 12 layers, the application makes a gif file of the image (that file is 
oke) in the tmp directory. The application makes no scalebar, legend and 
reference files. The application is thinking but he's doing nothing. Maybe 
the maximumscale is a part of the problem, because when I use the 
maximumscale for a extra layer the application has the same problem: making 
a image file and is thinking.... In my mapfile, I can't create the layers 
'wegnaam2' and /or 'kanaal'. I can create the layers 'wegnaam2' and /or 
'kanaal' when I delete other layers. I can't use the maxscale for the 
layers 'bos', 'provincie' and 'wegnaam0'.

Here is my mapfile, I hope someone can help me...
Linda Ursem

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