[mapserver-users] display problems ( under NT ? )

Speh Sylvain sylvain.speh at CLERMONT.cemagref.fr
Thu Apr 19 00:48:15 PDT 2001

Hi list,

I ( try to ) run mapServer under NT/Apache and I would like to share some
problems with you.

1) The mailing-list-file-size is limited at 8k, so, if your mail isn't
dispatch, try to send a smaller one.

2) Scalebars, which are very basically written, with mapServer.exe or
scalebar.exe are oftently shifted for some lines, my characters aren't well
any idea ?

3) I used GeoTiffe-Examiner to make a header for a tif-file. I've got the
tfw file, but when you use the box "<--" to set up the header, the values of
the Y-pixel-Scale and Y-vector-Y are switched, and the sign is altered.
tfw-file : 2.500 / 0 / 0 / -2.500 / 680001.250 / 2159998.750
with the tool : 2.5 / 2.5 / 0 / 0 / 680000 / 2160000
and that rounds the values too !!

4) I can't display any 8-bits tif pictures. What means the OFFSITE parameter
for the raster layers ?
Is there any matter to use a picture file independently of the EXTEND
parameter ? Just for enhancing the background.
any idea ?

5) using the mapimage java class in example #5. There's no information for
example5 on the site.
I couldn't use it with my server. I get off the CODEBASE parameter and put
the mapimage.class in the HTML directory.
I un-compiled the class, it uses a netscape.javascript package, which I
found in the jaws.jar file on my system. Note that I couldn't unzip some
classes with the jdk 1.3 jar file, there are some CRC problems, but none
with the JDK 1.2 jar file.
I unzipped 3 classes ( JSObject, JSException, JSContext ) in their relative
sub-directories, in order to run the mapimage class, but I've still :
	void mapimage.init()
	void sun.applet.AppletPanel.run()
	void java.lang.Thread.run()
any idea ?

Thanks in advance

Sylvain SPEH

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