[mapserver-users] OGR Support for TIGER 2000 Data?

Jeff McKenna mckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Aug 7 06:01:05 PDT 2001

> Thank for figuring that out!  However, I still can't get it to work.
> I'm running the OGR tools I built (under Windows 2000) in the GDAL 1.1.5
> distribution.  OGRINFO still refuses to recognize the data set.  Are you
> using a different OGR?

Hi Ed,

I just checked out the latest CVS version of GDAL (v1.1.5) and built it
(under Windows NT), and OGRINFO works fine for me.  Hmm.  I placed
OGRINFO into the directory where the TIGER data resides (i.e. placed
TGR25001.RT1, TGR25001.RT2... in the same directory as OGRINFO).  The
syntax I used for OGRINFO is:
$ ogrinfo full/path/to/data

This worked fine for me.  Maybe someone else has some ideas?


Jeff McKenna
GIS Specialist
DM Solutions Group Inc.
Ottawa, Ontario

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