[mapserver-users] Re: OGR

Jeff McKenna mckenna at dmsolutions.ca
Tue Aug 7 09:16:15 EDT 2001

> Thanks for the information, I have now installed version 3.5 - works
> fine. I still cannot get the automatic styling to work though - this
> time the features do actually load, but no style information is pulled
> from the MapInfo table - I have made sure that the features have been
> given style information in MapInfo with 'style override'. I realise
> that OGR isn't fully working yet, but is there only a specific subset
> of style information that is supported by OGR for MapInfo files (e.g.
> colour, pattern, software version???). I would be very grateful if you
> could shed some light on this - my MSc GIS dissertation is due very
> shortly! Thanks for your time -sorry if I have bothered you.

Hi Rob,

I am simply a user and documentation guy for OGR & Mapserver, so I can't
answer your "style information" question (maybe others can?).  However,
if you can send me some of your data I will take a look at it with you.


Jeff McKenna
GIS Specialist
DM Solutions Group Inc.
Ottawa, Ontario

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