[mapserver-users] OGR Support for TIGER 2000 Data?

Ed McNierney ed at topozone.com
Tue Aug 7 12:10:33 PDT 2001

Dawn breaks on Marblehead (as they say around here...)

Rob -

Thanks!  I have no problems at all and my OGRINFO tests work, and
MapServer works.

Jeff threw me off the trail by naming the directory in which he stored
the TGR25001.* files "TGR25001".  As a result, I thought he was simply
specifying the root name of the files - and that OGR would simply look
for TGR25001.* in the same directory as specified.  Instead, he was
specifying the name of the DIRECTORY holding all the TGR25001.* files.

I'm happy - everything works.  Thanks everyone for the help!  Jeff, you
might want to update your excellent example pages to make this
distinction clearer.

	- Ed

Ed McNierney
Chief Mapmaker
ed at topozone.com
(978) 251-4242

-----Original Message-----
From: Rob Martinson [mailto:cathode at nichebox.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 2:56 PM
To: 'Jeff McKenna'; Ed McNierney
Cc: 'Users'
Subject: RE: [mapserver-users] OGR Support for TIGER 2000 Data?

Okay, this was a bit confusing to me but I now see what Jeff is saying.
OGR must look at the entire directory of raw data to open any of the
layers instead of a single .RT* file. I thought Jeff just meant that the
full path to the file must be specified, but instead just the directory
where the layers reside must be specified.

For example, my TIGER data is in:


In this directory I have files TGR53063.RT1 through TGR53063.RTZ.

Instead of calling ogrinfo as: 

ogrinfo /usr/local/mapdata/TIGER_2000/WA/53063/TGR53063.RT1

Try calling as:

ogrinfo /usr/local/mapdata/TIGER_2000/WA/53063

So OGR can look at the entire data structure. Works for me on this end
now. Thanks Jeff!

Rob Martinson
Nichebox - http://www.nichebox.com
Development - http://dev.nichebox.com 

> -----Original Message-----
> From: owner-mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu 
> [mailto:owner-mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu] On Behalf Of 
> Jeff McKenna
> Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2001 4:01 PM
> To: Ed McNierney
> Cc: Users
> Subject: Re: [mapserver-users] OGR Support for TIGER 2000 Data?
> > 
> > Thank for figuring that out!  However, I still can't get it 
> to work. 
> > I'm running the OGR tools I built (under Windows 2000) in the GDAL 
> > 1.1.5 distribution.  OGRINFO still refuses to recognize the 
> data set.  
> > Are you using a different OGR?
> > 
> Hi Ed,
> I just checked out the latest CVS version of GDAL (v1.1.5) 
> and built it (under Windows NT), and OGRINFO works fine for 
> me.  Hmm.  I placed OGRINFO into the directory where the 
> TIGER data resides (i.e. placed TGR25001.RT1, TGR25001.RT2... 
> in the same directory as OGRINFO).  The syntax I used for 
> OGRINFO is: $ ogrinfo full/path/to/data
> This worked fine for me.  Maybe someone else has some ideas?
> -- 
> Jeff McKenna
> GIS Specialist
> DM Solutions Group Inc.
> Ottawa, Ontario
> http://www.dmsolutions.ca/

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