[mapserver-users] MapServer COM interface

Dave Vieglais vieglais at ku.edu
Fri Aug 10 11:06:25 PDT 2001

Speaking about the future of MapServer...

I'm in the process of constructing a COM library for mapserver which
will provide similar functionality to MapScript except for COM aware
scripting languages such as VBA, VBScript and JavaScript on Win32
machines.  The idea is to enable tighter integration of MapServer with
IIS (for us poor souls that use Microsoft IIS for web services), and
also to enable basic map drawing facilities in apps like Excel, Word and
other "scriptable" apps.

Right now the software has about half the functionality of regular
MapScript (it can draw and zoom, save images, but not much more).  I
have no idea of how long it will be before the code will be ready for
general testing/use but to give an indication, the work is being done in
spare time, so it could take a while...  

Before I get too far down the road though, I wanted to check if anyone
else was doing similar work- no point in duplicating effort.  So if you
are, and/or are intersted in sharing some effort, please drop me a line.

  Dave V.

David A. Vieglais
University of Kansas
Natural History Museum & 
Biodiversity Research Center

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