[mapserver-users] Shapefiles

Thorsten Fischer frosch at cs.tu-berlin.de
Thu Aug 16 01:26:01 PDT 2001

> BTW - what would or can one do to show RASTER files.  Again I know nothing
> of GIS to well.  I know that Raster is a format and that ArcIMS does not
> display raster images.  Does Mapserver display or can it display RASTER
> images.

A raster file is anything that is measured in width and height of pixels.
Your mapserver is creating raster files as output, namely .png or .gif
files. The most common raster file type to _read_ in GIS (and the only one
that i have seen used so far) is .tif as there is a standard for
geo-referencing those. 

There is no special format called 'raster'. The term 'raster' is used as
opposite to 'vector'.

I do not think that ArcIMS does not display raster images.

hope that helps,



thorsten fischer : frosch (at) derfrosch (dot) de

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