[mapserver-users] SVG

David Moffett dmoffett at walnutsoft.com
Thu Aug 16 16:36:41 EDT 2001


I am thinking about adding SVG ( Scalar Vector Graphics ) to mapserver.  
My questions are:

1. Is someone already doing this?  There was some talk on the mailing in 
Oct 2000 but I  did not see a conclusion.
2. Is it a good idea?  I think it is since we would like to use it 
3. What approach would be best.  I have looked at the code and have some 
ideas but I am a far cry from an expert on mapserver.

If I can come up with a good solution I will release back to the 
mapserver community.  Also I would be glad to pitch in and help anyone 
that has started with solution.  I will even try to comment the 
code.  :-)

Thank you,

David B. Moffett
Walnut Software, LLC.

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