[mapserver-users] Image output is flattened - projection issue?

Arthur, John John.Arthur at voicestream.com
Mon Aug 20 11:26:46 PDT 2001

Mapserver is awesome,... but my display is squashed.  I have tried it both
ways, using shape file and Mapinfo files.
For instance, I have a layer that (should)displays a circle, but displays a
oval. Every thing is squashed, not just the circles. 
I am using NAD83 decimal format ie:
extent -83.675413 36.540739 -75.242266 39.466012

What is going on? Could someone help, please.

John Arthur
RF Technician
Office:   (757) 490-7221
Cellular: (757) 692-1515
Email:    john.arthur at voicestream.com

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