[mapserver-users] How TO: Flashing / Blinking Polygon?

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Mon Aug 20 14:04:34 PDT 2001

Daniel Morissette wrote:
>    // Run whirlgif to generate the animated GIF
>    system("whirlgif -o $animPath -loop -time 500 $filePath1 -time 500
> $filePath2");

OOpps... little typo: The delay passed to the -time argument should be a
smaller value such as 25 or 50 since it's in units of 1/100 second.  The
example above would flash only once per 5 seconds.

 Daniel Morissette               morissette at dmsolutions.ca
 DM Solutions Group              http://www.dmsolutions.ca/
  Don't put for tomorrow what you can do today, because if 
      you enjoy it today you can do it again tomorrow.

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