[mapserver-users] php/sql quote problem

Tim Sutton sutton_t at giug.net
Tue Dec 11 08:36:47 PST 2001


I am not sure about newer versions of postgres, but this may apply to
them too: Postgres is quite picky about how you name your fields. It
is prefereable to use all lower case and separate with underscores
e.g. GeometryFromText would be better written as geometry_from_text.
You _can_ still use mixed case, but then postgres expects all mixed
case field names to be quoted so "GeometryFromText" would be
acceptable. Doing it that way can be a real pain because it means you
have to escape out every quote e.g.

 $sql="insert into popplace_table (name, the_geom) values ('$stadnaam', 
 '\"GeometryFromText\"(''POINT($geox $geoy)'', 312)')";

 Hope that helps


Tim Sutton                          WRc plc
Consultant, GIS Solutions Group     Frankland Road
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