[mapserver-users] slightly offtopic -- mapserver forums

Allan Doyle adoyle at intl-interfaces.com
Mon Dec 17 16:18:07 EST 2001

I'll weigh in and support the current setup. I find email delivery
integrates far better with how I work than having to look at web based

To address a couple of your wishes: you can search the archives for this
list at http://mapserver.gis.umn.edu/cgi-bin/wilma/mapserver-users and
you'll find the archives there as well. You can browse by date or by
thread, in one-month chunks.


Puneet Kishor wrote:
> Stephen, Daniel, others...
> I have suggested this once before, but here it is again. Would all please
> consider converting the Mapserver list to a web-based discussion. I love the
> list, and learn so much from it, however, at times I would like to subscribe
> to specific threads and read the traffic only on those threads. I would like
> to search the archives using sql or text search queries, and be able to
> access all of this from anywhere, not just my computer. Besides the ability
> to subscribe to specific threads only, the next greatest advantage would be
> to be able to attach files, such as scripts, code frags, map files, even
> screenshots, and not have the attachments travel to each and every member of
> the list.
> Please, please, please consider this. And if the general consensus is yes, I
> can do a little bit of scouting to see what freebie software is out there...
> I know there are Perl-based forums, and there is also Phorum which is PHP
> based.
> Thanks,
> pk/

Allan Doyle                         http://www.intl-interfaces.com
adoyle at intl-interfaces.com

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