[mapserver-users] Yahoo Groups Archive (was: slightly offtopic -- mapserver forums)

Jamie Smedsmo jsmedsmo at gis.umn.edu
Tue Dec 18 14:09:58 EST 2001

I'm sure that there will be many opinions on this, but... does this take 
care of the problem?

Jamie Smedsmo
University of Minnesota

Daniel Morissette wrote:

>One more message in this thread... hopefully the last one...
>I have found that Yahoo Groups now has a very interesting feature called
>"Remote Archive"... which can be used to mirror a list archive...
>exactly what we need!  :)
>I have created a mapserver-users archive using this on Yahoo Groups.  At
>the moment, it has closed membership, so you cannot subscribe to the
>list via Yahoo Groups... you are redirected to the MapServer website, so
>it doesn't affect the main mapserver-users list at all... it just
>provides a mirror of the list archives.
>The URL is:   http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mapserver-users/

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