[mapserver-users] Problems with PHP MapScript and Tiles unde WinNT 4.0

Daniel Morissette morissette at dmsolutions.ca
Wed Dec 19 07:05:32 PST 2001


A few notes:

1- Do all the shapefiles in your tiled layer share the exact same set of
attributes?  This is very important.  All the files in a tiled layer
must have the same attributes and in the same order.

2- You should try this again with the 3.5 release DLL once one becomes

If this problem still happens after this, then if possible send us a
copy of the data and PHP script and exact steps to reproduce and we'll
have a look.


Peter Haussl wrote:
> Hi Steve!
> I'm using PHP MapScript 3.5 (php_mapscript_35.dll date 2001-10-15).
> If I use the following Layer in my Mapfile (which works using the CGI)
>   NAME Rivers
>   TYPE Line
>   STATUS default
>   DATA l_wl
>   TILEINDEX tiles
> #   MINSCALE 1000
> #   MAXSCALE 150000
>   CLASSITEM 'layer'
>   LABELITEM 'name'
>     EXPRESSION /^q$|^qm$|^qo$|^qw$|^Q$|^QM$|^QO$|^QW$/
>     SYMBOL 'circle'
>     # MINSIZE 1
>     # MAXSIZE 5
>     SIZE 4
>     COLOR 100 100 255
>   END
> The php_mapscript_35.dll produces a Dr. Watson error message.
> The same layer without Tileindex seems to work!
> Is there a special Version working together with tile or is there a Bug?
> Many thx
> Peter
> Greetings from Austria / Europe

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