[mapserver-users] RE: MacOS X once again one more time

Frank Koormann frank.koormann at intevation.de
Fri Dec 21 03:52:10 PST 2001

Aside what Steve and Daniel already said about the symbols
(need of gif-enabled gd or convert symbols to png)

* Puneet Kishor (pkishor at GeoAnalytics.com) [011220 20:51]:
> oh, one more thing...
> Mapserver was unable to find the 'symbols/????' -- that is, all the gif
> symbols in the demo.map. I had to comment all of those out. Again, this has
> perhaps to do with the absolute pathing problem, no?


> > 
> > A few interesting tidbits --
> > 
> > 1. I had to enter the absolute paths for the demo.map and the 
> > tmp file in the demo_init.html. Without absolute paths 
> > mapserv did not know where to go. It would be nice to be able 
> > to enter relative paths in order to make an application 
> > portable. Am I overlooking something obvious?

If we are talking about the cgi-binary: How should it know what the base
directory is? So at least the path to the map-file has to be absolute.
Inside map files you can work with relative paths.

> > 2. I had to set the owner and group of tmp to www and nobody. 
> > Otherwise the images were not getting written to the tmp 
> > directory. Anyone know anyway to get around this?

The cgi is executed with this UID/GID. Therewith directories have to be
writable for this user either by attribute the dirs to the user (or at
least the group) or making the dirs world writeable. I suggest you
don't want the latter.

> > Today is good.


Frank Koormann                             <frank.koormann at intevation.de>
 Professional Service around Free Software       (http://intevation.net/)
 FreeGIS Project                                 (http://freegis.org/)

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