[mapserver-users] RE: simplicity

Puneet Kishor pkishor at GeoAnalytics.com
Mon Dec 24 15:31:13 PST 2001

I was reading an interview of Jordan Hubbard (see
http://www.pioneerplanet.com/tech/ctk_docs/207182.htm). Here's the last

"Hubbard insists that the Macintosh will get open-source software to
consumers' desktops faster than all the open-source software projects ever
dreamed up over a six-pack of Jolt Cola. When he worked on FreeBSD, Hubbard
knew his work would be appreciated only by a handful of fellow geeks. 

"In the Apple space," he says, "I can do things I can explain to my mother."
This, come to think of it, is a good principle for would-be world
conquerors: Keep it simple."

Kinda backs my rant... I want to be able to explain Mapserver to my mother.

Merry X'mas.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Puneet Kishor 
> Sent: Monday, December 24, 2001 3:29 PM
> To: mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu
> Subject: simplicity
> this is a (hopefully constructive) harangue... so, please 
> keep that in mind before flaming me...

yada yada yada

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