[mapserver-users] simplicity

Jamie Smedsmo jsmedsmo at gis.umn.edu
Fri Dec 28 07:41:59 PST 2001

Steve Lime also suggested setting up Wikki for MapServer.  I hope to get 
started on that next week.  I agree that it would be a very good addition.

Jamie Smedsmo
MapServer Documentation Coordinator
University of Minnesota

Dave Vieglais wrote:

>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: owner-mapserver-users at lists.gis.umn.edu [mailto:owner-mapserver-
>>users at lists.gis.umn.edu] On Behalf Of Stephen Lime
>>The biggest impediments in widespread use of MapServer are not related
>>the internals of the software (what it can and can't do), they are
>>productivity issues: easy installation, quality documentation and easy
>>application configuration. I've known this for quite a while, but
>>as I can only work on this evenings after my kids go to bed there's no
>>I can spearhead the effort. So, everyone agree's there is a problem
>but is
>>anyone willing to commit some time to making it happen?
>For the documentation side of things, has anyone considered setting up a
>version of Wiki on the MapServer web site?  There are quite a few folks
>out there that seem to be fairly familiar with the various incarnations
>of this software, but few of us have the time to dedicate to properly
>documenting the beast.  A collaborative editing environment that a Wiki
>installation can provide may be a viable solution for much of the
>MapServer documentation.
>SourceForge has several Wiki incarnations floating around (search for
>wiki).  I personally found OpenWiki the easiest to mess with of the
>couple I tried (limited to IIS though).
>Dave V.

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