Mapfile REGEXPs (was Re: point file filter)

Kieran J. Ames kames at
Tue Feb 6 06:26:08 PST 2001

Maybe I could add my own question here...
I'd like to try using REGEXPs in a mapfile to do the same thing. I have a list of
hospital facilities where I'm enumerating the total number of beds. I want to render
the data based on the number of beds. I tried evaluating the number of TOTAL_BEDS,
but can only get it to work as follows. What I'd like to do is say something like:
as opposed to
EXPRESSION /[4-9][1-9][0-9]/

snippet follows...

    NAME 'Greater than 401 Beds'
       SIZE 5
       EXPRESSION /[4-9][1-9][0-9]/
       COLOR 0 0 0
      SYMBOL 1

    NAME '250-400 Beds'
        SIZE 4
        EXPRESSION /^[2-3][5-9][0-9]$|^3[0-9][0-9]$/
        COLOR 0 0 255
        SYMBOL 1
     END  # CLASS

Stephen Lime wrote:

> You can use dynamic expressions to do that. Let's say you have a mapfile with
> a point layer called "mypoints" with a single class. You can set up a select list
> to set the expression for that class:
>   <select name="map_mypoints_class_expression" single>
>     <option value="expression"> option 1</option>
>     <option value="expression"> option 2</option>
>     ...
>   </select>
> The expressions can be any valid MapServer (i.e. string, logical or regular)
> expression. Syntax of the expression is identical to that entered in a map
> file.
> Steve
> Stephen Lime
> Internet Applications Analyst
> Minnesota DNR
> 500 Lafayette Road
> St. Paul, MN 55155
> 651-297-2937
> >>> <Alexspringer at> 02/03/01 05:06PM >>>
> Using the mapserver cgi, I have a point file in use.  I would like to add a
> select [drop down box] that has values for a filter to be applied to one
> field in the point file dbf so that only those records with the field value
> equal to that filter display.  Does anyone have an example of the .map and
> .htm that can demonstrate how this is implemented?
> Thank you.
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