shapefile viewer
Frank Koormann
frank.koormann at
Fri Feb 16 01:04:52 PST 2001
* Alexspringer at (Alexspringer at [010215 14:46]:
> Greetings --
> I am seeking a freeware, Delphi (5) based, basic shape file viewer, with
> source code, for execution on windows 98/NT platforms (non-web), that we can
> redistribute to a user community that downloads our no-fee, no-strings
> attached, Census 2000 TIGER file based shape files (organized by state and
> county, covering the US). Most of these files (counties, school districts,
> roads, census tracts, block groups, blocks) are now available. A message
> will be posted soon with more information. Of course, these files can be
> used for display directly with MapServer. :)
> I am familiar with the good work of InovaGIS and that shapefile viewer. It
> is in VB and we need the ability to display geocodes.
> Can anyone provide me with Delphi-based software or suggest a source?
Why are you focusing on a Delphi-based application? Are you planning to
extend an existing program for your needs? In that case the tools
already mentioned in this thread won't help you: Although some are
gratis, none of them is free. IMHO also ESRI's MapObjects won't help you,
as I understand their licence strategy you are charged for each run-time
you distribute.
You might have a look at OpenMap:
a JavaBeans based programmer's toolkit.
Frank Koormann
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