compiling _without_ png

Stephen Lime steve.lime at
Fri Feb 16 07:31:45 PST 2001

You need to compile against the right version of GD. If there is a version of GD in
your system libs that supports GD (often the case on Linux installs) then the linker
will ALWAYS use that version. The only way I've gotten around it is to temporarily
move the system version, build MapServer against the distributed version of GD
and the move the system version back.

(Dan: perhaps we could rename things in the version of gd-1.2 so that it could
be asked for specifically with configure (that is use -lgd1.2 instead of -lgd. Ideas?)

Java 1.1 doesn't natively support PNG but there are 3rd party readers out there
that could be added to the applet. Of course that will make the download a bit
longer but shouldn't be too bad.


Stephen Lime
Internet Applications Analyst

Minnesota DNR
500 Lafayette Road
St. Paul, MN 55155

>>> Michael Hearne <mhearne at> 02/15/01 10:29PM >>>
Users - How do you turn _off_ PNG support when compiling Mapserver 3.4? 
I tried following the instructions in the Makefile, making my GD_LIB
line look like this:

GD_LIB=  -lgd

but the executable still makes PNG images!

I wouldn't even care, except that I want to use Steve's applet and it
won't work with PNG (will it?)

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