minimum hardware configuration (fwd)

teb teb at
Fri Feb 16 14:40:48 PST 2001

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X-Originating-IP: []
From: "David Raitzer" <david_raitzer at>
To: mapserver-info at
Subject: minimum hardware configuration
Date: Fri, 16 Feb 2001 17:32:46 -0500
Mime-Version: 1.0
X-OriginalArrivalTime: 16 Feb 2001 22:32:46.0979 (UTC) 


What is the minimum necessary hardware requirement for implementing 
Mapserver on a Linux server running Apache, serving a 100 meg TIFF raster 
layer, on which a simple point event theme is projected (sourced via an ODBC 
connection to a Sybase database server)?  What is the hardware requirement 
to serve the same purpose under NT with IIS 4.0? The site won't experience 
truly heavy traffic, so it will probably rarely have more than 8 
simultaneous users.  Thanks for any info.

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