Mac Java Interface Error Accessing MapServer CGI

Michael Kleih michael.kleih at
Mon Feb 26 01:42:38 PST 2001

Alexspringer at wrote:

> A Mac user attempting to access our Mapserver CGI with Java interface, which
> works fine with IE5 on Windows, fails to connect and gets this error ...
> anyone know the solution?
> Incurred while using Internet Explorer 4.5 for Mac using OS 9.1.
> Java Exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException -
> netscape.javascript.JSObject
> Stack Trace:
> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: netscape.javascript.JSObject
>  at

It seems you are using LiveConnect (connection between JAVA
and JavaScript), which obviously is not installed on the computer
of your user. (the class netscape.javascript.JSObject is missing)
You could give to this user your classfile, your browser is using.


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