Raster Image Questions

Joel Anderson joela at joelhq.com
Wed Jan 3 09:13:39 PST 2001

Hello All!

Ok, calling all raster gurus out there: I've got a problem I hope someone can help me with!

I've got a bunch of USGS DOQs (both in BIL and jpeg(COQ) format) I'd like to display in a couple of different ways: 1. I'd like to be able to create a raster layer and display an individual DOQ (COQ) in jpeg format, and 2. I'd like to be create a shapefile to tile a series of DOQs(COQ), again in jpeg format (say, a township or county). Unfortunately, I've not had any luck with either. 

I have created world files for these (which I'm not 100% confident in), using Todd Poston's qdir extension. I'm also wondering if I should be using a projection scheme here, but I'm not familiar with using projections in mapserver, or with proj4. At any rate, I've still got something broken, and am unsure how to proceed.

I've been searching the archives for others who have attempted this, and have found bits and pieces (so I guess it's possible), but I think I am still missing something (the first clue was no images displaying...). I was hoping some kind soul would be gracious enough to walk me through the steps necessary to make these scenarios work.

If anyone can help me out with this, I'll fedex my right arm this afternoon.

Joel Anderson
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