Can't get Zoom Factor persistent

mjhoffman at mjhoffman at
Wed Jan 3 13:23:05 PST 2001

I am working on an interface that uses radio buttons to choose zoom in /
zoom out / pan / query and a SELECT list to choose the zoom factor.  I have
been able to more or less get the radio buttons to stay persistent, but I
am having trouble with the template file substitutions for the zoom factor.

The substitution [zoom_2_select] always returns "".  (Same goes for zoom_4
and zoom_8.)   I think I am just a little confused on the syntax of the
subs.  I looked at previous posts but still couldn't get things working.

Also, is there a list of all the CGI variables that MapServer understands?
I just realized that the Template File Reference lists the variables that
MapServer returns and subs into the HTML of the template file,  but these
are not necessarily the same as the variables passed to MapServer when a
form is submitted.  (For example, you can submit a form variable called
"zoomsize" to Mapserver but it doesnt return a variable "zoomsize" to the
template file when it is done.  I am wondering if there is a comprehensive
list of the form variables that can be submitted.)

My application is at:
and the template file is

Thanks a bunch,

Matt Hoffman


Matthew J. Hoffman
U.S. Geological Survey
Water Resources Division
Illinois District - Urbana

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